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Industry Pulse – Distributed Energy Management – Monitoring & Control

This Industry Pulse delves deep into this phenomenon, highlighting the commonalities and differences between the strategies of glo...


Industry Pulse – Hydrogen Infrastructure and Storage

This Executive Lens from FutureBridge Mobility Insider provides key takeaways from technology solutions for lidar, radar, camera a...


Is DEG the Future of Electricity Generation?

Current Status of Distributed Energy Generation (DEG) Electricity grids across the globe are undergoing a transition. One of the ...


Changing Paradigm of Fuel Retailing

The fuel retail business has transformed due to a rise in demand for alternate fuels for mobility and the adoption of digital tech...

Investment in Charging Infrastructure & V2G


Development of Electric Mobility The market for Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) is growing rapidly. B...

Building Energy Management System for Commercial Buildings


Global manufacturer of electrical installations in residential, commercial and industrial buildings wanted to understand the techn...

Low Cost Carbon Fiber — Technology and Market Assessment


A leading R&D institute (consortia of major chemical and automotive companies) formed with the objective of developing low cos...

Future Refrigerants – Competitor Assessment


Leading Engineering and Technology Company was interested in understanding competitors positioning in the domain of refrigerants h...

Blockchain in Power and Utilities


This white paper focuses on understanding of various applications of blockchain technology in Energy, Power and utilities sector i...

Arctic Region’s Exploration Technical Challenges


Arctic’s Status Quo: Receding ice and much more Global warming over the last decade has augmented the melting of ice in the Arc...

Carbon Capture and Reuse — Technology Assessment and Monitoring


  Integrated oil & gas player wanted to understand methods and technologies used by emitters to capture, store, and ut...

Emerging LNG Markets and Role of Second Generation LNGCs


Present Market Scenario: LNG Despite the increased focus on embracing cleaner sources of fuel, natural gas and oil continue to do...

CCUS – A Game Changing Opportunity for the Industrial Sector


Despite the adoption of sustainable energy sources and energyefficient systems, the need to reduce CO2 emission becomes...

Cultured Meat


When is meat not meat?: The challenges for cultured-meats labeling and regulation heats up When should we call meat, meat? After...