MobilityElectric Mobility
ICE Powertrain & Emission Systems
Future Transportation with ICE PowertrainWhat will be the role of ICE powertrain vehicles in a net-zero carbon future – is a key question for many stakeholders
What can prove to be a decisive move will be – ‘What to burn’ instead of ‘How to burn’
The ongoing optimization of the ICE and related emission systems is essential for the near future of automotive propulsion systems
Not all countries will be able to transition to a complete electric infrastructure by 2035

What will be the role of ICE powertrain vehicles in a net-zero carbon future – is a key question for many stakeholders
What can prove to be a decisive move will be – ‘What to burn’ instead of ‘How to burn’
The ongoing optimization of the ICE and related emission systems is essential for the near future of automotive propulsion systems
Not all countries will be able to transition to a complete electric infrastructure by 2035

Key Trends
Energy Recovery Systems
- Thermoelectric generators
- Kinetic energy recovery systems
- Regenerative braking
Emissions & After Treatment
- High-speed electron emission treatment
- Three-way catalytic convertor
48V and Hybrid Systems
- Use of power electronics
- Energy recovery & efficiency improvements
Impact of Legacy Systems & Components
- Change of configuration / characteristics
- Requirements of new components/systems
Engine Advancements
- Active oil separation systems
- Active crankcase ventilation
- Integrating engine management sensors
Engine Trends
- Engine downsizing
- Engine downspeeding
- Sysnethic oil adoption
Emission Policies
- Stricter vehicle emission standards
- Increase in fuel economy
Electric Boosting Systems
- Increased adoption of electric turbochargers / supercharger

The Impact of Hybridization on ICE Filters

Can 48V & Emission Treatment Solutions Rescue Diesel’s Future?
MobilityElectric Mobility

Future Powertrain Technology 2025
MobilityElectric Mobility

EU Auto-makers’ Path to CO2 Emissions Reduction
Business Objectives
Some examples of diverse business objectives we have worked with our clients
Strategy & Futures
- What should be the market entry strategy for supplying electric powertrain accessories for hybrid vehicles? How it differs across geographies?
- How can legacy system suppliers enhance their value proposition to align with the impact of electrification?
Research Development & Innovation
- Which are the latest technology trends in active separator systems for highly efficient crankcase ventilation in terms of separation efficiency?
- How is the market for spin-on filters segmented? Which are the emerging technologies, and who are the active players?
Growth & Market Development
- How are the new regulations affecting current emission technologies? How do the requirements vary in various geographies?
- How will the market dynamics change for legacy engine components like turbochargers, compressors, starters, etc.?
Manufacturing, Production & Logistics
- Which lightweight materials are under exploration to substitute traditional materials? How do they compare on defined KPIs?
- What manufacturing techniques are under research to develop low-weight composite welding of components?