Home Novel Technology Identification of Antimicrobial Actives for Home Care Applications

Quick overview

Our client wanted to understand the emerging adjuvants/ potentiators/ building agents that can synergize with the anti-microbial actives that are used in home care segments such as detergents and cleaning agents.

Client success details

The engagement helped the client understand various adjuvants and potentiators and state of the art regarding the use of metals as potentiating agents that can effectively synergize with antimicrobial actives supported by their mechanism of action

Copper based ions show best potentiating effects as they have better binding properties with DNA of the microbes.
  • What are the interactions of antimicrobial actives with other product ingredients?
  • What are the possibilities of using antimicrobials as potentiators?
  • What is the mechanism of action that allows certain ingredients to act as potentiators?
  • What is the state of the art regarding the use of metals as potentiators?
  • What are the enzyme-based alternatives that can be used as potentiating agents?

FutureBridge conducted exhaustive research across various patent and non-patent databases to develop a deep understanding of the potentiators, antimicrobial actives, and their mechanism of synergy. The technologies were ranked based on the following potentiator classification

  • Enzymes/Metal ions
  • Organic acids/Alcohols
  • Others

The engagement has helped the client to expedite the identification of novel technologies of potentiators and emerging ingredients that has the potential to be used along with the antimicrobial actives used in the home care industry.

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